Why we operate our own rehabilitation station
All too often, the topic of rehab has only negative connotations. From experience, we associate it with illness, accidents, overstraining and opposition.The equestrian sport, the keeping and the equipment are not often the cause of this. Birgit Hennig realised very early on that the performance, the willingness to work and the ability of her horses to move could be increased enormously if competent experts continuously guided the daily equestrian routine. Osteopaths, physiotherapists, doctors and trained grooms can largely prevent many of the problems that arise today in advance, through preventive therapies and adequate care.
Furthermore, these professionals, with their experience and diagnostic skills, are the best clients and testers for our products.
It is one thing to talk about an unsuitable saddle or bridle. If it were always just that, we would no longer have any problems, provided that they were corrected properly. Unfortunately, it is not quite that simple.
If you really listen to these experts, you quickly come to the conclusion that often only a fundamental change in the existing equipment promises help. And if something like that doesn't exist yet, well then we'll just have to develop something new. Many ideas for our new developments have come from the diagnosis in our rehabilitation ward. In the development phase of new products, the analyses and tests of our therapists are therefore an integral part and a great benefit for us.
Our new MFT saddle and the new FMS noseband (both applied for patent) are the best evidence of this..
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